

Construyendo una vida con sentidoBuilding a life with Meaning

With this program we attempt to:

Develop in the participants an awareness of their own BEING. This insight is based on a constant and conscious reflection on the self, one’s integrity, life meaning, and the path to self-realization, which undoubtedly increases self-love and love for others.

Additionally, we want the participants to identify the aspects that make up a family relationship and to develop the ability to build rewarding family relationships, based on the conceptualization of the family as a life experience.


Liderazgo FamiliarFamily Leadership

Our objective with this program iss:

Develop skills and abilities in participating mothers and fathers in such a way that they experience the power of initiative and teamwork when solving the challenges of their own environment. This is done by providing a set of concepts, techniques and procedures on organization and management, which enables them to promote processes of social change and integral development in their respective families and communities.

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